
Showing posts from August, 2017

Hacking Growth - Learn How To Grow Your Business

I am currently reading this book, Hacking Growth, and have found it very informative and Helpful.  For anyone who has thought about starting their own business, whether it be a home based, direct sales, or an actual commercially located business, this book is like the holy grail. . I have tried my own home based businesses and failed miserably. Now I know where my next steps to grow them would be.  Major profiting businesses like Amazon, Google and others, started as an idea and grew over time to be the huge successes they are today.  Hacking Growth introduces the methodology behind starting and maintaining a successful business. With its information, tips, and ideas you could essentially grow your own business more profitably. Now this does not happen over night and this book does not promise that it does, but it takes time and practice and hard work.  This is a really good "manual" for any type of business and professional, whether you are an owner or manager