
Showing posts from September, 2015

Go Off road with the new Truggy Remote Control Car

We love this  Truggy Remote Control Car ! This was so much fun, and works awesome. It looks really cool and is made pretty well. It doesn't seem as cheap as others we have gotten in the past. I am saving it as a surprise for my 10 year old son, but my 4 year old daughter and I had a blast testing it out. It has huge tires that have deep grooves for massive traction and it has a pretty cool looking design on the shell of the car. The tires even have the ability to move around like if you were making it go over a bump or a small "hill." I really liked the remote design. It is comfy to hold and easy to use. The trigger function moves the car, while the "steering wheel" on the side controls the left and right direction. It even has a lever on the bottom of the car with a left and right switching mechanism too but I'm not sure what that is for. It came with 2 AA batteriesfor the remote and 2 sets of 4 AAA batteries for the car, so you even have an ex

Soothing Relief thanks to AnuSoothe Sitz Bath - Tulamama

I recently tried this and liked it. It is great for cleansing and giving some relief to your sensitive parts as well as soothing and help for relief with issues like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, episiotomy, rectal surgery, uterine cramps, post-delivery, irritable bowel syndrome, yeast infections, vaginal infections, or prostatitis. I am allergic to witch hazel, which is an active ingredient in hemorrhoids creams and medications and cannot use anything really to treat the issue when they flare up. This is definitely nice to have around. It is recommended that you sit and use this for up to 15-20 minutes each time. It may seem like a lot, but when you have an issue, this may be the best relief you can get. It's design is great, it was somewhat sturdy but it did feel a little flimsy. But it worked great. I definitely recommend to women who are pregnant or postpartum, as well as just women period. You can find it here on Amazon!

All Natural Mosquito Repellent Spray from Gardencense

I recently tried this All Natural Mosquito Repellent Spray and loved it. I am always getting bit by mosquitoes and bugs. I think this spray worked great. You just need a couple sprays and it doesn't ruin clothing or leave a greasy mark after use that I have seen which is great. It's definitely got a fresh aroma of herbs and essential oils and is noticeable but not too strong or overpowering or irritating. The size of the bottle gives you enough to last a long time too. I like that it's all natural and it's not harmful to my skin or body and I can use it on my kids too. It's perfect for use anytime. It didn't make my skin feel sticky and gross or leave a film. I definitely recommend. I definitely recommend you check it out on Amazon. I did receive this product for free but the experience and opinions expressed are my own and my only compensation was this product.

Natural Shoe and Foot Deodorant Spray

I recently got to try this Gardencense Natural Shoe and Foot Deodorant Spray deodorizer and I actually liked it a lot. It is made of all natural ingredients and isn't harmful and contains no harsh toxins. I used it on mine and my kid's shoes. It's smells so herbal and fresh and is made from ingredients like peppermint, tea tree, lavender, orange, witch hazel. I am actually allergic to witch hazel by contact with skin, but suffered no irritation if I let it dry after spraying my shoes. I liked the bottle and it's small, but it actually has the capacity to have hundreds of sprays in it. You only need one or two sprays in each shoe. And it lasts a while and worked pretty good. I liked it a lot. It's perfect for runners, athletes, or basically anyone. It doesn't leave a sticky mess or film and doesn't ruin your shoes in any way. You can find this spray here on Amazon as well as other products from them. I definitely recommend you check it out!

Every Little Girl Needs Her Own #LittleCosmetics Makeup Play Set

I recently got to try this Little Cosmetics Beauty Pretend Makeup Set and I was so excited. I had been browsing on Amazon for gift ideas and fun stuff for my kids and had even saw this very kit on Amazon too and added it to my wish list. Then through Tomoson, I got the opportunity to try it for FREE! (I did receive this product for free but the experience and opinions are my own and my only compensation was this product.) This set is awesome! It came with so much and it's all made really well. It came with "makeup" and brushes and it looked so real. I got it and had to test it myself because I thought it was fake but it seriously looked real. But no it is fake. It's just so bright and bold and textured to look real. It all came in a cute pink mesh bag inside a pretty tote purse. My 4 year old LOVES it. She was so excited and running around trying to do everyone's makeup as well as her own. She's taken it with her everywhere we go and even sleeps w

Cut It Up In The Kitchen with This 12 Piece Tomodachi Splash Set

I recently got to try this Hampton Forge Tomodachi 12pc Splash Set for free through Tomoson. And I was so excited when I got them because I've always wanted a set of these knives! What makes these stand out from the rest is the bright pictures on them to show what each knife is for! Which is awesome because I'd forget. They came all together in a big cardboard package. I had to push on the knives to get them to pop through the cutout areas to remove from package because they were in there good and the package wasn't letting me just easily rip it open to get them out. But I guess that is good for shipping purposes. Also, each Knife had a plastic or rubber piece on the end to protect from the sharp edge poking out. These are pretty sturdy. They didn't bend, even when I cut something hard like a raw potato. They are easy to clean by hand but are dishwasher safe. I prefer to wash by hand because knives will last longer that way. I love how each comes with a

Have a Hootin Good Bath!

I got to try this for free as part of a product testing and I chose the purple owl one for my girls. It's just so cute. I loved it because it was bright and bold and fun and very cute! Its sturdy but soft to touch and perfect for any child's bath! It was easy to set up quickly and the suction cup stayed well. I just wet it down then pushed and stuck it on my bathtub wall. The design of the bag makes it easy to hang up and it actually holds a good amount as I tested it's weight hold capacity with toys. I just love the rinse cup! Not only is it cute, but it's somewhat soft and so fun for my kids and I to use. You can control how fast it pours by how much you tip it. The bag is 100% polyester, and both products are eco friendly and unisex and we're designed to be attractive as well as efficient and fun! All in all, I honestly have no complaints! This is awesome and I like that they have 3 different choices. A fox, owl, and sea animal. You can find it her

Apply Before You Dry with Jergen's Wet Skin Moisturizer

I recently got to try one the new Jergen's Wet Skin Moisturizers for free thanks to Influenster At first, I wasn't sure about it being a "wet" moisturizer,  as I didn't see why it mattered, but I do love how this really locks in the moisture. It's smells nice and herbal, and a little bit goes a long ways. I did love the honey like consistency and that it didn't irritate my skin, but it did kind of leave a film on my hands, probably the lotion creating a seal to lock in the moisture, but it wasn't greasy or gooey and gross. I used this right after my bath. So easy to apply, and felt like I was giving myself a spa treatment. I love Jergens products and will probably continue using this. I can't wait to try the other scents too. This one was very nice, and not too strong or overpowering. And it didn't irritate my skin, even when I had shaved my legs. I did receive this product for free, but all opinions are my own.

Scrub a dub dub with a Long Handle Shower Brush

I recently got to try this for free in return for my honest opinion. I do have to say that I like it a lot. I chose green as it is my favorite color, but they have other colors to choose from as well. It's lightweight and easy to grip and use. The bristles are firm but soft. It didn't hurt to use and is good for cleaning of dead skin, increasing circulation, and is quite relaxing to use. It does feel as though it would be easy to break the handle though. I have dropped it but it didn't break, so maybe it is sturdier than I initially thought. *UPDATE* It is now Feb 2016 and we are still using this brush. Still works awesome. Still sturdy! I have used it in both the bath and the shower. I just squeeze my soap onto the brush, kind of rub it in to create a lather, then scrub my body. It was really nice actually but I did have to reapply a little soap after a while. It did feel nice after using it. My skin felt tighter, and more smooth and soft. It is almost like i

Go Massage Yourself with DanceCrazy Muscle Roller Massage Stick

I recently got to try the DanceCrazy Muscle Roller Massage Stick . I wasn't sure what to expect as I had never tried anything like this before. I have used vibration massagers and hand held things you can rub along your back or wherever but not a stick like this. The one I got was orange/black, which I love! I did get this free through a product trial but these are my own unbiased experiences and opinions! What I like about it is that it is lightweight but sturdy. It's easy to carry around and has a loop for your hand to carry it. You can use it yourself, or use it on another person for many different types of massages in many areas. I used mine on my legs and back. It's very easy to use. Just roll it while applying some pressure. The rollers move along with your body and the stick and provide a pretty good massage. It is actually quite relaxing. I love it. Just watch out for your hair. My long hair got tangled once or twice.  It doesn't bend under pressu

A Good Stretch Indeed with DanceCrazy

Stretch it out with DanceCrazy's new Ultra Stretching Strap . I got to try this for free through Tomoson , as part of a product trial and it was purchased through Amazon . At first  glance, when I opened the package, I wasn't exactly sure how to use this. I searched online and found some different stretches to try and the basics of how to use one of these straps. My only complaint, is that it didn't provide any instructions, or examples of how to use it when it came.  It is a great tool for stretching, and not just for dancers. It can be used by anyone, and is great for stretching before and after exercising, yoga, sports or dancing. It really is simple to use and it's unique design allows for a more personable stretching experience. It has a base strap and another strap connected to it. It has a total of 10 loops at 8" intervals. You can use it to stretch your legs, arms, back, shoulders, etc. It really is a nice thing to have. The uses and ways of us

Get Your Body Back in 12 Weeks with BabyBod Book

A while sgo, I received a copy of this book for free, in return for a review. The following is my review and 100% my own opinion. First of all, this book is FILLED with completely useful information for all kinds of women through the different stages in their life before, during and after motherhood. I found a lot of the information helpful as I suffer from some of the issues due to my 3 pregnancies. I especially loved that it's designed so you read and participate in the areas that apply to your own personal situation. Most books are written that way. It makes it easier to personalize your reading and plan of action. I had 3 c-sections so the chapter in self care after a c-section definitely hit home and gave me a lot of information and tips. I especially liked the modified exercises and massages as well as the day by day care information. They asked me if I thought I understood the intended message. I believe the intended message is that you can get your body back after childre

Clean Green with Seventh Generation!

I recently got a full size bottle of Seventh Generation 's new Energy Smart auto dish detergent to try for FREE as part of # GenerationGood ! Upon first receiving product, I noticed the simple design of the packaging. It wasn't too bold, or flamboyant, but simple and pure looking. It's also a plant based product and a healthy choice for your family. I wasn't sure how it would hold up against my dishes, especially without the harsher but stronger cleaning chemicals. But, after using the first time, I saw that it worked awesome. I had been using a stored brand detergent, and it had been leaving spots on my dishes and not rinsing off well, leaving soap behind. Seventh Generation's did not leave anything behind. No spots, no extra soapiness on my dishes, nothing! I love it. After the second use, I still saw no issues. My dishes were clean, and not filmy, or sticky, and therre was no spots. It works great and I know it's a smart choice because it is safer for my f

Stop playing politics with my health and support real TSCA reform

From what I hear, Senate is most likely going to review the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA), which regulates toxic chemicals, shortly after they return to Washington. This Is Big News. We need to make a change for our families and environment. Get these harsh and harmful chemicals off our shelves so we can have a healthier and safer life and protect our world. You can help us to reach out and make our voices heard and get them to make a change NOW! Here are some provisions you can write and tell your Senator that any TSCA reform legislation must contain. 1. protects the rights of states to regulate toxic chemicals 2. immediately gets the worst, most toxic chemicals off the market 3. prioritizes identifying and reviewing the most high-risk chemicals first. Join me and Seventh Generation and their partners, the Breast Cancer Fund, to tell our leaders it's time for real toxic chemical reform. With the links below, you can email and tweet the U.S. Senators from your state to

Which blogs do you follow?

I am always looking for new blogs to read and follow and share. Do you write a blog? Do you follow any blogs? Comment below and let me know which you follow or write. I will follow as many as I can! And maybe I can send some people to follow as well!

A BIG Win for Me from BzzAgent and Bic!

I recently got a package in the mail from BzzAgent and I opened it to find a whole bunch of stuff from Bic. I mean there was pencils and mechanical pencils and markers and pens and a shirt! Everything I need lol. I loved it. OMG! :0) I even got a hand written note from the staff at BzzAgent! How nice and cool is that?!? The shirt was awesome. It was a light purple color, which I love. It was a little big for me but that's ok. It will be a good relaxing shirt. The graphic on the back said "Fight For Your Write" Which I love that! So fun! I used the Bic Mark It markers with my daughter to do her Back to School assignment "All About Me!" She had a blast! The markers are awesome because they are so bright and bold and really do write smoothly. I love the shape and design and they fit comfortably in your hands. We will definitely be using the other items. I'll be putting some in each of the kid's backpacks and keep some at home for using on homework and

Colorful Wristbands for Any Event!

I love the bright colors and they are durable and waterproof and easy to write on. I also like that they are numbered sequentially. These are perfect for festivals, fairs, concerts, and other local events.  What I like most about them is that they are easy to apply. Just wrap around your wrist and peel of the sticker backing and they are good to go. They can fit anyone as they have a good length and the colors are fun for kids and adults. I put one on my daughter for her first day of school and wrote her name on it! I also used some for my kids when we went to a water park. I wrote my name and cell number just in case they got lost or separated from us. These bracelets have many uses and are so easy to use. I definitely recommend these! I did receive this product for free but the experienc

Glitter fun cures the rainy day blues...

We are now #GLITTERFIED I love this Custom 12 Color Body Art and Glitter Tattoos Kit I had got free in the mail a while back and decided to use it again. My kids were so excited! It came with 12 different containers of glitter and 2 brushes and 2 things of body glue! All you do is choose and apply a stencil, and make sure it's smooth, and apply glue using an applicator that reminds me of a lip gloss applicator, then apply glitter! My only problem was that I tried to take off the stencil and then apply the glitter, and it didn't look right. So I started leaving the stencil on and applying glitter before taking the stencil off and it turned out great! After using the stencil, I put it back on the sheet and am able to use the same stencil several times. I couldn't believe how many stencils came with it too. There was animals, words, Halloween themed, fairies, dragons, sports themed, flowers, butterflies, etc! Best part is though, is that the glitter tattoo lasts

What do you think? Readers invited to comment here...

I like to get input from others, either as a way to improve, or just to share ideas and tips and info. Below are some questions. Feel free to comment with your answers! :0) What is your favorite smart phone app? What type of posts would you like to see here (on our blog) more often? What one time management tip has helped your family? What attracts you to a blog? What do you like to read about? What types of info do you search for? What types of games do you play? On your phone/tablet? Board or card games? What's on your bucket list? Now comment and share this post with others and let's see what kind of answers we can get!


Fall is one of my favorite seasons! I love the changing colors and the cold weather that's perfect for fuzzy socks, sweaters and cuddling in a soft and warm blanket. I love summer and spring too, I just love fall more. It's the season for love and family time. And it's so so beautiful. The colors are amazing and I really think it's the time of year where we draw closer to our families, and not just because of the holidays.  And there so much you can do! Here is a list of our favorite fall activities and events! *Take pictures of things like trees. We like to take many pictures as the leaves change, until the leaves are all gone. It's really cool to see the differences and if you out them together in a frame, it's looks really cool and would be a good fall deco piece for your wall. *Take a walk. Even in the brisk, cold air it's nice to get outside. Hot chocolate makes it even better. *Have a fall scavenger hunt. Make a list of things like colored leave

The simplest joys!

As a mom of 3, I have learned a lot about raising kids and about myself. I don't know everything nor do I pretend too. I just try to raise them as best as I can, while encouraging them to grow and learn and express themselves. I love who my kids are becoming,  even on the hardest of days. All kids are going to push limits and test your rules. That's how they learn. We are all going to have days where we are tired and frustrated and don't have the energy to fuss and fight. But to be a mom, and to make it through, you have to be willing to see the positive in everyday situations. My daughter spilled bright red juice today on a table and looked at me. I felt myself getting mad as I jumped up to clean it. Then she helped wipe it up and got me a sippy cup with a lid to put it in, instead of the bottle. She was smart in that she got a cup that would not spill. I had to laugh because the look on her face when she spilled was priceless. She knew it was an accident but she was sa

Seventh Generation Free and Clear Baby Wipes - Because Your Baby Deserves The Best!

I dare you to try Seventh Generation's Free & Clear Baby Wipes today! You are going to love them so much! They are free and clear of harmful chemicals and are made with plant-derived ingredients. They are FREE OF: *alcohol, fragrances & dyes *parabens and phthalates * are hypoallergenic * are thick, strong and generously-sized Also, Seventh Generation Free and Clear wipes use 70% less plastic than other wipes, and are designed to care for your baby and as well as our planet! These wipes are also good for hands and faces and hands that go on faces (and in mouths)! Which is awesome since I have 3 kids, ages 8 months, 4 years, and 10 years! What I like about them is that they are no different or less effective than other wipes, but I use them knowing they are so much healthier and better for my baby than other wipes! I love them. And I don't have to worry about wiping my baby's hands that she sucks on and getting sick from the chemicals because they are free and