The simplest joys!

As a mom of 3, I have learned a lot about raising kids and about myself. I don't know everything nor do I pretend too. I just try to raise them as best as I can, while encouraging them to grow and learn and express themselves. I love who my kids are becoming,  even on the hardest of days.
All kids are going to push limits and test your rules. That's how they learn. We are all going to have days where we are tired and frustrated and don't have the energy to fuss and fight.
But to be a mom, and to make it through, you have to be willing to see the positive in everyday situations.
My daughter spilled bright red juice today on a table and looked at me. I felt myself getting mad as I jumped up to clean it. Then she helped wipe it up and got me a sippy cup with a lid to put it in, instead of the bottle. She was smart in that she got a cup that would not spill. I had to laugh because the look on her face when she spilled was priceless. She knew it was an accident but she was sad and scared I would get mad. It made me feel bad.
I know sometimes when I have to discipline my children, not necessarily for things like this accident, but other things, I do feel bad. But you have to remember, the act of discipline teaches them long term and the pain you feel is only temporary.
I'm lucky because my house is a very affectionate home and my kids have learned that from us and they often show affection and care for others and they are empathetic, which I think is very important.
The simplest joys with kids are the moments you catch yourself smiling and your heart gets all warm feeling. Like when you walk in and your middle child is singing to the baby and rubbing her head like you do. Or when your kids are playing so nice and sharing their favorite toys, or when your kids see someone who needs help and runs up to help right away.
Then there's the times when you just look at them and see their personality shining through. When they are playing or dressing themselves, and it's just so cute.
My baby is 8 months and is just starting to crawl and say "momma" and is learning all these new things. My favorite part is when I am feeding her or just cuddling and she just stares at me, then I smile at her and she laughs. She's always has to be near me, even if she's just holding my finger, my heart is super happy.
I love all 3 of my babies and have so many special moments with them, and will continue to have more.
Being a mom is the best part of my day. It's the best part of who I am. And I'm pretty sure, they think I'm the best mom, even if I am their only mom! 😊


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