Stop playing politics with my health and support real TSCA reform

From what I hear, Senate is most likely going to review the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA), which regulates toxic chemicals, shortly after they return to Washington. This Is Big News.

We need to make a change for our families and environment. Get these harsh and harmful chemicals off our shelves so we can have a healthier and safer life and protect our world.

You can help us to reach out and make our voices heard and get them to make a change NOW!

Here are some provisions you can write and tell your Senator that any TSCA reform legislation must contain.

1. protects the rights of states to regulate toxic chemicals
2. immediately gets the worst, most toxic chemicals off the market
3. prioritizes identifying and reviewing the most high-risk chemicals first.

Join me and Seventh Generation and their partners, the Breast Cancer Fund, to tell our leaders it's time for real toxic chemical reform.

With the links below, you can email and tweet the U.S. Senators from your state to let them know that you want meaningful change to the chemical regulation standards last set in 1976. Which, is horrible, since that was almost 40 years ago. A lot has changed since then. We need something that fits our needs for today and for our future.

Step 1 - Email your Senators NOW to tell the senate we want strong TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) reform!

Step 2 - Find your Senators' Twitter Handles HERE.

Here is a sample tweet you can use: @senatorsname I'm a mom who wants toxic chemical laws fixed! Support stronger TSCA reform, please!


"Stop playing politics with my health and support real TSCA reform

I am deeply concerned about the toll that increasing rates of breast cancer and other diseases linked to chemical exposures are having on our society. Because I believe the U.S. needs new standards to regulate chemicals linked to diseases like breast cancer, I am writing today to urge you to support meaningful reform of our nation's chemical law.

Congress has the opportunity and responsibility to pass legislation to update the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and stop the chemical industry from exposing the general public and vulnerable populations to a host of untested and unsafe chemicals through our consumer products and our air, water and soil. Parents, policymakers, and people everywhere have long been calling for meaningful reform of TSCA.

American families are counting on you to ensure that any TSCA reform bill voted on by the Senate is as strong and truly health-protective as possible, and:

o Gives the EPA the resources and statutory authority it needs to meaningfully implement and enforce the law;

o Provides an expedited process to get the worst chemicals, such as asbestos, off of the market;

o Directs the EPA to clearly prioritize public health over industry's bottom line. The EPA's regulation of chemicals should be based on improving public health as opposed to what is most "cost-effective" for industry;

o Preserves the rights of states to protect their citizens from toxic industrial chemicals; and

o Stops keeping the identity of chemicals secret so the public can make informed decisions affecting the health of themselves and their families.

I urge the Senate to pass truly meaningful chemical policy reform that puts Americans' health before chemical industry self interests.

Please let me know that you support these important fixes and will work with your colleagues to ensure that they are included in the TSCA reform bill voted on by the Senate later this month.


Your name"



This post is something that is very important to me and my family but is also sponsored by the Seventh Generation Community #GenerationGood


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