My 1st Thanksgiving Meal was Wonderful!

Our family, now complete, had thanksgiving at my in laws this year. And I cooked Thanksgiving dinner myself for the 1st time! OMG!
No really I did. My mom in law taught me how by telling and showing me and I did it all.

I was so nervous I was going to fail or forget something. I was a wreck. All I forgot was the bag of potatoes at my house but my father in law went to the store for more. Thankfully.

They were thankful because I literally showed up with everything. All they had to buy was the potatoes.

I learned how to prep the turkey, make the stuffing and stuff it. That was fun but the stuffing was still hot haha.

Then I made the deserts and later we made gravy and mashed potatoes and everything else. There was so much food.

I was so nervous that I was going to mess dinner up. But in the end, it was great. The Turkey was moist and everything tasted delicious.

We all dished up, said our thankfuls and ate and ate. Then relaxed while I did the dishes and cleaned up. I really went all out for them this year but they have done so much for us.

I'm grateful and thankful for them also teaching me how to do this. Next year I want to do it again for my family and I probably won't need any help either. I can't wait!
And I am thankful for my husband who kept the kids busy while I cooked and cleaned. And thankful for my 3 beautiful babies, big and small.

How was your Thanksgiving? Did you go Black Friday shopping?
I didn't. I'm home lounging in my bed watching Sesame Street and Spongebob with the kiddos.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday as well. Here's to leftover turkey! :0)


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